
GSA OASIS (Integrated Services) NAICS池一次采办解决方案

Tetra Tech公司获得了北美工业分类系统(NAICS)池1的三份工作合同, 3, 和图4.  来自政府的任务订单请求将在以下描述的NAICS池之一下提交.

1号池(工程), 环境及管理咨询服务)-小型企业标准金额为一千四百万美元


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in applying physical laws and principles of 工程 in the design, 发展, 以及机器的使用, 材料, 仪器, 结构, 流程, 和系统. 这些机构所承担的任务可能涉及下列任何活动:提供咨询意见, 编制可行性研究报告, 准备初步和最终的方案和全球最大体育平台, 在施工或安装阶段提供技术服务, 工程项目的检查和评估, 及相关服务.


该行业包括主要从事聚会的场所, 解释, 绘制地球物理数据. Establishments in this industry often specialize in locating and measuring the extent of subsurface resources such as oil, 气体, 和矿物质. 他们也可以为工程目的进行调查. 该行业的机构根据调查的目的使用各种调查技术, 包括磁测, 重力调查, 地震勘探, 以及电气和电磁测量.


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in performing surveying and mapping services of the surface of the earth, 包括海底. These services may include surveying and mapping of areas above or below the surface of the earth such as the creation of view easements or segregating rights in parcels of land by creating underground utility easements.


该行业包括主要从事表演物理的机构, 化学, 和其他分析测试服务,如声学或振动, 分析, 生物(医学和兽医除外), 校准, 电气与电子, 岩土工程, 机械, 无损, 和热. 测试可以在实验室或现场进行.


这你.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing operating advice and assistance to businesses and other organizations on administrative management issues such as financial planning and budgeting, 股权及资产管理, 记录管理, 办公室规划, 战略和组织规划, 选址, 新企业启动, 以及业务流程改进. This industry also includes establishments of general management consultants that provide a full range of administrative; human resource; marketing; process, 物流, and logistics; or other management consulting services to clients.


这你.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing advice and assistance to businesses and other organizations in one or more of the following areas: human resource and personnel policies, 实践, and procedures; employee benefits planning, 沟通, and administration; compensation systems planning; and wage and salary administration.


这你.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing operating advice and assistance to businesses and other organizations on marketing issues such as developing marketing objectives and policies, 销售预测, 新产品开发和定价, 许可和特许经营计划, 以及营销计划和策略.


这你.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing operating advice and assistance to businesses and other organizations in areas such as manufacturing 操作 improvement; productivity improvement; production planning and control; quality assurance and quality control; inventory management; distribution networks; warehouse use, 操作, and utilization; transportation and shipment of goods and 材料; and 材料 management and handling.


这你.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing management consulting services (except administrative and general management consulting; human resources consulting; marketing consulting; or process, 物流, 物流咨询). Establishments providing tele沟通s or utilities management consulting services are included in this industry.


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing advice and assistance to businesses and other organizations on 环境 issues such as the control of 环境 contamination from pollutants, 有毒物质, 有害物质. 这些机构确定问题(例如.g.(检查建筑物是否有危险物质),测量和评估风险,并提出解决方案. 他们雇用了一批多学科的科学家, 工程师, 以及在空气和水质等领域具有专业知识的其他技术全球最大体育平台员, 石棉污染, 修复, 环境法. 提供卫生或场地修复咨询服务的机构包括在这个行业.


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing advice and assistance to businesses and other organizations on 科学 and technical issues (except 环境).


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in creating advertising campaigns and placing such advertising in periodicals, 报纸, 广播和电视, 或者其他媒体. 这些机构的组织目的是提供全面的服务(例如.e., 通过内部能力或分包), 包括建议, 有创意的服务, 账户管理, 广告材料制作, 媒体计划, 买(i).e.(投放广告).


这个行业包括主要从事全球最大体育平台和实施公共关系活动的机构. 这些活动的目的是促进客户的利益和形象. 提供游说的机构, 政治顾问, 或者公共关系咨询也包括在这个行业.


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in purchasing advertising time or space from media outlets and reselling it to advertising agencies or individual companies directly.


This industry comprises establishments of independent representatives primarily engaged in selling media time or space for media owners.


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in creating and designing public display advertising campaign 材料, 比如印刷的, 画, 或者电子显示器, and/or placing such displays on indoor or outdoor billboards and panels or on or within transit vehicles or facilities, 购物中心, 零售(店内)展示, 以及其他展示结构或场所.


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in creating and designing advertising campaigns for the purpose of distributing advertising 材料 (e.g.、优惠券、传单、样品)或特色菜(例如.g., 钥匙链, 磁铁, pens with customized messages imprinted) by mail or other direct distribution and/or preparing advertising 材料 or specialties for mailing or other direct distribution. 这些机构也可以汇编、维护、出售和出租邮件列表.


该行业包括主要从事直接分发或传送广告的机构.g.(通告、优惠券、传单)或样品. 这个行业的机构使用的方法是挨家挨户地送广告或样品, 在停车场的汽车挡风玻璃上张贴传单或优惠券, 或者在零售店分发样品.


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing advertising services (except advertising agency services, 公关代理服务, 媒体购买代理服务, 媒体代表服务, 展示广告服务, 直销函件广告服务, 广告资料分发服务, 以及营销咨询服务).


该行业主要由从事系统采集的机构组成, 记录, 制表, 并提供市场营销和民意数据.


该行业包括主要从事提供专业服务的机构, 科学, or technical services (except legal services; accounting, 税务筹划, 记账, 及相关服务; architectural, 工程, 及相关服务; specialized design services; computer systems design 及相关服务; management, 科学, and technical consulting services; 科学 research and 发展 services; advertising, 公共关系, 及相关服务; market research and public opinion polling; photographic services; translation and interpretation services; and 兽医 services).

池3(军事应用工程服务)- $35.小型企业规模标准


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in applying physical laws and principles of 工程 in the design, 发展, 以及机器的使用, 材料, 仪器, 结构, 流程, 和系统. 这些机构所承担的任务可能涉及下列任何活动:提供咨询意见, 编制可行性研究报告, 准备初步和最终的方案和全球最大体育平台, 在施工或安装阶段提供技术服务, 工程项目的检查和评估, 及相关服务.



这你.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in conducting bio技术 research and experimental 发展. Bio技术 research and experimental 发展 involves the study of the use of microorganisms and cellular and biomolecular 流程 to develop or alter living or non-living 材料. This research and 发展 in bio技术 may result in 发展 of new bio技术 流程 or in prototypes of new or genetically-altered products that may be reproduced, 使用, 或由各行业实施.

541712物理研究与发展, 工程, 及生命科学(生物全球最大体育平台除外)

这你.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in conducting research and experimental 发展 (except bio技术 research and experimental 发展) in the physical, 工程, 生命科学,比如农业, 电子产品, 环境, 生物学, 植物学, 电脑, 化学, 食物, 渔业, 森林, 地质, 健康, 数学, 医学, 海洋学, 药店, 物理, 兽医, 以及其他同盟国家.
